How To Come Up With Truly Memorable Character Names For Your Fantasy Novel
What if Aragorn was called Bilbo in the Lord of the Rings trilogy? And Bilbo was named Sauron? The trilogy would have made quite a different read. Let’s take a quick look at how to come up with memorable, yet relevant names for the characters in your fantasy novels. What Not To Do I’ll never […]
Review – Wool Omnibus by Hugh Howey
Wow. Just finished Hugh Howey’s magnum opus, the Wool Omnibus. It’s quite the ride. Wool is a mind-blowing, page-turning adventure that’ll have you scratching at your head and thinking, how the hell did Hugh come up with this awesomeness? The inhabitants of Wool live in a dystopian future. The world outside is a brutal place, […]
Conversation with Author Les Edgerton
Great interview with Les Edgerton, author of 14 books, including two about writing fiction: Finding Your Voice and Hooked:Write Fiction That Grabs Readers at Page One & Never Lets Them Go.
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