In the aftermath of the bioweapon attack, the citizens of Rust Town confer the honorary title of Warden upon Rhea, the humble cyborg who, against all odds, managed to save their entire settlement from complete destruction.
Now the slum residents follow and look up to her, so when the city cuts off their water supply, she feels compelled to help them. No one else will.
She comes up with a plan. It’s a bit crazy, somewhat outrageous, and definitely dangerous. But it just might work.
However, with assassins coming out of the woodwork left and right, and city security forces hellbent on stopping her team at all costs, the plan starts to unravel.
Now Rhea is left with a choice. Does she continue the mission, perhaps needlessly risking her life and the lives of those who follow her, or does she turn back and hope she can find another way to save Rust Town?
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