Four Resources and Workshops For Improving The Opening Of Your Novel Or Short Story

The opening of your story or novel is the most important. You have only a few paragraphs to catch the readers attention. Some would say you have to grab them from the opening line, and I’d agree. Here are three resources and workshops for improving your openings:

Auctions – Get your novel critiqued and/or evaluated for a good cause

Just won two author critiques via Katherine Brauer’s “critsforwater” campaign, one from author Imogen Howson (winner of the 2008 Elizabeth Goudge Award) and one from Katherine Brauer herself! Be sure to check it out at: And bid on a critique, for a good cause! Even if you’re outbid on anything, she’ll send a consolation […]

Kurt Vonnegut on the Shapes of Stories

Our good friend Kurt Vonnegut humorously explains the key to a good story (click the story headline to watch)