Words to Stimulate the Mind and Delight the Spirit
A collection of over 50 true stories, fictional short stories, and poems by 37 writers whose work is distinguished by honesty and vulnerability, combined with encouragement and hope.
A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider is the follow-up to the bestseller, Hot Apple Cider: Words to Stir the Heart and Warm the Soul. A Second Cup won the 2012 Christian Small Publishers Gift Book Award Winner along with six 2012 The Word Awards and seven Awards of Merit. Midwest Book Review called A Second Cup a “reminder that there is something good in the world.” Faith Today magazine’s review said, “Some books surprise you with their ability to take your breath away… The short selections make this a perfect book for even indifferent readers. It would be a fabulous addition to an office waiting room, your bedside table, briefcase, backpack or purse. But be sure to buy more than one, for you will probably have the urge to share this gem of a collection with others.” Please note that there is also a Discussion Guide for the book, with questions related to each story. Each contributor has supplied questions about his or her piece to help readers think further about the issues raised, enjoy stimulating discussions, and share ideas and meaningful experiences. Foreword by Ellen Vaughn.
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