Flagship – Official Launch
The first installment in the A Captain’s Crucible series of Military Science Fiction novels, Flagship, is now available in the Kindle store for $2.99. Enjoy!! Blurb: A military research vessel has disappeared on the fringes of known space.
Terminal Phase – Official Launch
The third installment in the Ethan Galaal series of Thriller novels, Terminal Phase, is now available in the Kindle store for $3.99. Enjoy!! Blurb: Target: Al Sifr. Profile: Terrorist mastermind. Mission Objective: Terminate with extreme prejudice.
Most Highlighted Phrases In The Forever Gate
Continuing with my most highlighted phrases series, I’m now turning to quotes from The Forever Gate. As usual, I got these numbers from the Kindle site. Note: I included the most highlighted sections from books 1 – 5, as well as those from the compendium edition, for completeness.
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