Most Highlighted Phrases In ATLAS 2

I had a look at the Kindle site the other day to check out the most popular quotes for ATLAS 2. As in the previous blog post I did for the first ATLAS, it’s always a (pleasant) surprise to find out which phrases and lines resonated the most with readers. So, without further ado, here are the most highlighted […]

ATLAS 2 – Official Launch

“ATLAS 2” is now available in the Kindle store. The sequel to ATLAS clocks in at a whopping 140,000 words. 47North, Amazon’s Science Fiction and Fantasy imprint, published the book, and has made it available at the introductory price of $4.99. Enjoy!! Grab “ATLAS 2” here for $4.99. Blurb: The desperate battle on far-flung Geronimo […]

ATLAS 2 – Where Is it?

Back at the beginning of March I announced on this blog that ATLAS 2 would be released in the third week of April. At the end of March I received an offer from 47North, Amazon Publishing’s speculative fiction imprint. In exchange for giving up the rights to ATLAS and the next two books, 47North would […]