Hello, and thank you once again for being part of the Advanced Review Team for Terminal Phase!

As a token of my appreciation, I’d like to invite you to enter my Advanced Readers Raffle. As well as being my way of saying thank you, the raffle also lets me keep track of who’s actively participating on the team.


Up for grabs this time around are:

  • 1 $25 Amazon gift certificate
  • 1 Terminal Phase hardcover
  • 1 ATLAS T-shirt
  • 3 character names – have a character named after you in a future novel

All prizes can be refused or exchanged for equivalents.

To enter, simply complete the Rafflecopter form below. You’ll be asked to submit the link to your review, or your Amazon username. You can find either one by clicking the title of your review. I think Amazon emails you a link as well.

As mentioned in my email, I priced the book at $0.99 for members of my Advance Review Team, and also put it into Kindle Unlimited, so if you bought a copy while leaving your review I would appreciate it immensely. Buying is completely optional of course, though every penny helps. Most of the money raised goes toward the prizes.

You’ll receive one entry for leaving a review, and five entries for buying a copy at the reviewer’s price of $0.99

Bookmark this page and check back after January 1st to see the winners.

If you have any questions or concerns, use the Contact button at the top of this page to get in touch with me, or drop me an email.

Thanks again for being part of an amazing team!

a Rafflecopter giveaway