The reviews for The Forever Gate have started to trickle in, and the response has been really positive so far!

Here’s an excerpt from book blogger Amina Black:
I liked Hoodwink from the very start, actually the entire story had me hooked up. I could almost feel the character’s adrenaline running thru his veins while running for his life. In just 80 pages Hoodwinks life was saved and started to crumble in pieces. He is one of the most likable characters I’ve read lately: he is clever, brave, loyal and ready to sacrifice himself for what’s important. He gets to experience fear, betrayal and pain.
Read the rest on her blog here.
Here’s an excerpt from Science Fiction Lit:
I’ll admit a slightly dirty secret; I’ve never read an indie author. Until now.
Call me a snob but a lot of the reason for that was fear of less than great writing. I read classics and SF almost exclusively and I’m pretty picky about what I read. There is nothing more disappointing than working your way through a book that doesn’t pan out.
So imagine my surprise when I found Isaac’s “The Forever Gate” and not only was it not sludge, it was pretty darn good.
Read the rest on Science Fiction lit here.
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