Most Highlighted Phrases In ATLAS 3

Continuing in a similar vein to the previous blog post, here are the most highlighted phrases for ATLAS 3, as recorded on the Kindle site. I try to remind myself that wherever there is darkness there must be light. That always something good, something beautiful, resides out there, even in the shadows.

Most Highlighted Phrases In ATLAS 2

I had a look at the Kindle site the other day to check out the most popular quotes for ATLAS 2. As in the previous blog post I did for the first ATLAS, it’s always a (pleasant) surprise to find out which phrases and lines resonated the most with readers. So, without further ado, here are the most highlighted […]

A Cold Day In Mosul – Official Launch

The follow-up to Clandestine, A Cold Day In Mosul (Ethan Galaal #2) is now available in the Kindle store. Enjoy!! Blurb: A high-ranking DIA operative has been kidnapped in Iraq by the Islamic State, and with her, secrets that could bring about the collapse of major intelligence-gathering networks throughout the region. Can Ethan Galaal find […]